Industrial Hygiene

Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA)
The CHRA is an assessment that has to be conducted by the employer arising from the use, handling, storage or transportation of chemicals hazardous to health in their workplace as required by the Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemicals Hazardous to Health) Regulation 2000.
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Inspection
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Inspection is an engineering system designed to reduce employee exposure to airborne contaminants (dust, mist, fume, vapour, gas) in the workplace by capturing the emission at source and transporting it to a safe emission point or to a filter/ scrubber.

Noise Risk Assessment
Organisations must assess and identify measures to reduce risks from noise exposure in the workplace so that employees' hearing is protected. The assessment will determine the frequency and amplitude of the sound in the air.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Monitoring
IAQ concerns with the health and comfort of the occupants as they spent a substantial amount of their time indoors. Uneven changes in the levels of different air pollutants will result in unhealthy working environment for the employees, tenants and visitors.

Mobile Audiometric
Exposure to noise beyond the limits will lead to hearing loss. Audiometric testing of a worker's hearing is import-ant to the success of a hearing conservation program because it helps to determine if hearing loss is being prevented by the noise control measures.
Scheduled Waste Analysis
Scheduled wastes are any wastes that possess hazardous characteristics and have the potential to adversely affect public health and environment.

Environmental Impact Assessment
EIA is a study to identify, predict and evaluate various impacts on the environment of a project. EIA study is able to aid mitigation of various polutions from Particles TSP, PM 10, PM2.5, Noise and Water Quality.
Plot 237,
Lengkok Perindustrian Bukit Minyak 3,
Bukit Minyak Industrial Estate,
14100 Simpang Ampat, Penang, Malaysia.
Enquiries :
[email protected]
Call Us :
Tel : +604-5023 882 (8 lines)
Toll Free : 1300-22-3882